Spirit Island, Alberta, Canada


From 1950 to 1990, a huge holographic display advertising Eastman Kodak was located on the east wall of New York's famous Grand Central Station. Very high quality color photographs were displayed in size 6x20 meters. One of these images contained an image of the Canadian "Island of Spirits" against the backdrop of a wondrous lake in the Rocky Mountains. For several months, up to a million Americans enjoyed the extraordinary natural beauty captured by the amateur photographer every day.

Where is Spirit Island

Jasper Canadian National Park in Alberta was founded in 1907. This is the largest (its area is 10800 sq. Km) and is visited by the nature reserve of Canada. Every year it attracts a huge number of tourists with wonderful ski slopes and picturesque nature. An indelible impression is left by the high mountain ranges of the eastern Cordilleras, covered with shining white glaciers and coniferous forests, rivers, lakes, waterfalls ... Hot mineral springs, caves with ancient rock paintings, historical museums and well-developed infrastructure for vacationers, all this causes only positive emotions for travelers ...

Jasper has clear zoning. In the protected area itself, where the trees are over 700 years old, visits are limited. There are parts of the park in which cars are prohibited, only walking is allowed. Travelers explore a large territory on their own transport and sightseeing buses.

The Maline River flows here between the high mountains. Translated from French, it means "evil". This is what the researcher Pierre-Jean de Smet called her for her exuberant character, especially in the spring. The river crosses a huge lake of the same name. This reservoir has an area of ​​almost 20 sq. Km, length 22.5 km, maximum width - 1.5 km, its maximum depth - 97 m. This is the largest lake in the reserve. It is surrounded on all sides by mountains, so walks here are possible only by boats or small excursion boats. It is very difficult to move along the coast.

The water in the lake is very clean, depending on the season, weather and time of day, it has a different color. From pale blue to deep turquoise. Many species of fish, more than forty, live here: trout, pike, lake whitefish ...

Description of Spirit Island

Right in the middle of Lake Maline is the most famous local landmark - Spirit Island, which means spirit. In all of Jasper's shops and nearby parks, you can find many postcards and various souvenirs with his image. A small piece of land, overgrown with grass and firs, connected to the coast by a narrow strip of land. For the most part, this is a peninsula, only in spring, during high water, Spirit becomes an island.

There is an old Indian legend. A couple of young people in love with each other met in this place every week. They were from different tribes. And everything would have ended happily, but these tribes have long and fiercely feuded. The girl's father found out everything and set a condition for her: either the meetings would stop, or he would kick his daughter out of the house and kill her beloved. Naturally, the girl chose the first option. And the guy continued to go on dates and wait ... He died among the trees, his spirit remained here. Since then, this place has been called the "Island of the Spirit".

A beautiful, romantic story. It is easy to believe in it, finding yourself on the shores of this stunning lake. Calm and majestic mountains in some places go directly under the water, are reflected in it, as if they look in a mirror, whether the snowy hairstyle is well styled. Shaggy pines at the foot are in even rows, concealing many mysteries. Since ancient times, when animals, people and gods lived in these places all together, legends about honor, kindness, humanism have been preserved.


Boat excursions on the lake are divided into two types. Just walking and special for photo shoots. The latter are held in the afternoon. When the sun turns, the lighting is most beneficial for great shots. The passage to the island itself is prohibited, and on the shore the parking lasts no more than 10 minutes, so it is better to choose a location for filming in advance, while still in the boat. There is no time for a walk, especially since the likelihood of meeting a predator here is quite high.

In autumn, when the few deciduous trees and shrubs are painted in shades of red, the local landscapes are simply fabulous. The lake surface reflects the azure sky, blue mountains, dark green, almost black pines, orange bushes and yellow grass. All this splendor is confirmed by the crystal clear air.

Amazing photos are taken in these places. The island itself, which falls into the frame, is certainly beautiful, but the incomparable scenery that serves as its background is certainly no less impressive. Sometimes at sunset, the sun paints the mountains a crimson-lilac color. Everything around becomes simply unreal. There are no such delightful landscapes anywhere else on the planet.

Animals do not hide here, they have absolutely nothing to be afraid of, therefore, in addition to gorgeous views, you can also capture a grizzly bear fishing, or a deer that went out to drink. Wolves, moose, mountain goats, more than 10 species of amphibians and reptiles, insects, including spiders, also live in the forests. A large number of birds, more than 200 species. Many animals are listed in the international Red Book.

Where to stay

There are numerous hotels, rest houses and sanatoriums, ski resorts, golf courses in the park. Ecologically clean areas are conducive to a good rest. The city of Jasper is distinguished by the fact that, for example, deer can easily walk on its territory. For young children, long-distance excursions around the reserve will surely seem too tiring. For them, on the territory of the resort there are special entertainment establishments with educators and animators, where waiting for their parents from their walks will not seem so long.

There is also a hotel and several campgrounds outside the city. That will help you save money and have a great time in the lap of nature, admiring the unforgettable landscapes of the homeland of the Iroquois Indian tribes.

A few more interesting articles on our site about significant places in Canada: the majestic Bay of Fundy, Thousand Islands Park and Moraine Lake.


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